Monday, August 22, 2011

Let's Begin!

So here it is-- a blog that I have planned for a while now. I have always wanted to do this sort of thing, and while I know it'll never be as much of a juggernaut as UG or Sputnik Music simply because keeping up with them would be impossible, it'll be a fun side project for me to work on when I am in need of scratching the writing itch.

The whole point of creating this site is to not only share my honest, unbiased (as close to unbiased as possible, that is), and hopefully entertaining opinion on music; but also to expand my musical horizons in all directions so I can maybe find some more tunes and artists to enjoy. I have come to the conclusion that I prejudge a lot of music due to its genre, one song that I heard, or even its album artwork. This, in turn, causes me to possibly miss out on music that I might fall in love with because my prejudice will make me overlook it. Who knows what awesome stuff is out there that I have already passed by!

Now, I have given it much thought, and I am going to base each review off of a seven-point rating system. Why? Because I can. And seven is a cool number to use because it gives me enough numbers for more thorough reviewing without excess. So there. Deal with it.

Screw multiples of 5.

Also, I am going to include pictures of stuff (often terribly edited by Microsoft Paint), plus my own nerdy and odd sense of humor. After all, this is supposed to fun, too. So be prepared for that as well.

However, I strongly suggest that you take my rating with a couple grains of salt. So give it a little weight, but not too much. Here's why:

#1. I will have a little bias, no matter what.

#2. You and I may have different opinions of the album, which is okay.

#3. The above statement means that you will love something that I hate, and you will hate something that I love. There is no way in the world that everyone will have the same consensus all the time. Which leads me to...

#4. Listen to the album yourself, too. Just because I form an opinion of it does not mean that we will agree. You may find something that you love that you never knew existed before just by trying it out.

I also must mention that, while I will try, I can't promise that I will be able to review EVERY suggestion that I get (assuming I even get any). There may be times where I am busy with school or out battling rogue polar bears, so reviewing music will be put on the backburner. But I'll get to is as soon as I can.

Here we go, then-- the beginning of my music review blog. Hopefully you'll enjoy what you read and find some music to fall in love with too.

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